If Required Should You Go for Loan Against Property In Kolkata?
By: Mahesh Dubey June 28, 2021 | Category: Loan Against Property
A loan is something that anyone may require at any point. Whether it is for business or personal reasons, a sudden need for money is something that cannot be denied or ignored. If you require a loan, you will have to look for ways to arrange for the money. You can go for the more known and popular option of applying for a loan, or you can choose to try something else. For instance, you can go to a bank and apply for a loan or go to a not-so-traditional source of money and ask them to lend you some. Whatever the situation is, arranging the funds will be necessary. During this search, you will get to know about the loan against property in Kolkata concept.
Understanding the Concept Before Applying for the Loan
It is nothing complicated or unusual; every year, millions of people do this. The concept is exactly like what the phrase suggests. Under this facility, you will get the loan amount required. However, you will have to keep something as collateral in exchange for that, and it will be your property. The process is relatively simple. If you own a property and can produce the documents proving that, you will be given the money you require. Like any other type of loan, you will have to pay the amount back along with interest. If you can not pay the amount, the additional pressure will be that your property will be possessed by the lending institution, which is the bank, in most cases.
The Amount You Can Get in the Loan
Now, before you decide to apply for such a loan, it is necessary to understand something more, and that is, the loan amount will be a percentage of the value of the property. When applying for a loan against a property, you will be allowed to access the amount, which is a section of the property value. You will never be given the value of the property as the loan amount. Therefore, if you need a considerable amount of money and are planning to do it against a property, it will be better to check out whether the property has that much value or not. Depending on the present market condition, your property will be valued, and then the loan will be sanctioned.
Seeking Professional Help Will be for the Best
For a person who has never taken a loan against property, understanding all the minute details and getting familiar with the whole situation will take some time. Therefore, it is advisable that you examine as much detail and information on the topic as possible. If you are finding the process to be complicated or something you are unable to handle, then contacting a capable loan advisor will be the best choice. By doing this, you will be able to find accurate and helpful information on the topic. There will be an expert who will explain the whole situation carefully.
You Can Choose a Loan Against Property, but You Have to be Careful
Moreover, the professional helping you will have enough experience and expertise on the subject. They will be able to find out and make you aware of the potential loopholes in the loan you are opting for. One of the biggest reasons behind people losing their property or not making most of their loans is that they remain largely unaware of these loopholes. Even if you read every piece of document associated with the loan application process, you may still end up missing something. Not being an expert and not understanding the language of the financial world will do this to you. The answer to the question is clear though, if required, you can easily for loan against property.
The Factors You Should be Knowing about and Considering before Applying for Loan Against Property
By: Mahesh Dubey May 28, 2021 | Category: Loan Against Property
Loans against property are not a new concept. It has been around for centuries now and has provided a plot point for several classic stories and different mediums. From the beginning, it has been a reliable way of borrowing money, as the property works as collateral and creates a beneficial exchange. Today, due to the advancements of the banking system, loan against property in Kolkata has become more interesting and secure than ever before. Hence, such loans have become pretty popular.
Understanding the Premise of the Loan
Before applying for such a loan, you need to understand that it is essentially a multi-purpose loan and can be accessed from a bank and other lending institutions. It will be better and wiser to choose a bank for this purpose, though. Another point you need to remember is that, while applying for the loan, you need to ensure that the property you are putting as collateral is currently owned by you. The amount of the loan will be 40 – 70% of the market value of the property. That range will depend on the lender’s policy, and both residential and commercial properties can be considered for this.
The Factors You Should be Knowing About
If you are thinking to apply for such a loan and do not know whether the decision will be wise or not, then researching and gathering information will help. By going through the data, you will become aware of certain factors which will assist in making an informed decision. The factors you should be mindful of are:
The Interest Rate You Have to Pay for the Loan
The interest rate you will get charged on this loan will be dependent on several factors, including but not limited to your income, amount of loan, tenure, credit history, and the lending institution you are choosing. The interest rates do differ from one bank to another too. Hence, it will be best to research and find out information regarding these points. Once you have the facts, it will be easier to create a comparative list and choose the most suitable of the options.
The Amount of Loan You Are Seeking
Usually, the amount of loan you will get depends on the market value of the property against which you will be getting the loan. The usual amount is 40 – 70% of the present market value of the property. However, if you are looking for a higher amount, it will be better to look through multiple options and choose the one offering the highest amount against the property.
The Repayment Time for the Loan Amount
Your research will reveal that most banks and lenders offer a flexible repayment tenure of about 15 years. With a longer loan tenure, you will get a lower EMI amount which will increase the affordability of the loan. However, you also need to understand that longer repayment tenure will mean increased cost of borrowing. The interest of the loan is calculated in a manner, and you will be paying more with a more extended repayment plan.